The Tirikan Database

This page specifically is designated need to know information about the refugees of Pellea, the Tirikan, and their story.

Tirikan Refugee Registery

A woman that appears to be made of opal, the colors blending and bleeding into one another. She appears to be adorned in riches of another world, and dressed in regal affair.

Registered Name: Crystal Dragon
Gender: Female presenting, NB.
Marital status: Involved
Orientation: Polyamorous/Pansexual
Nicknames: Crys, EDM Dragon, Disco Dragon, Sparkles, Drachenfreund, Queen of the Sparkle Dragons, "Holy Mother of Sparkle Dragons", Nova Sparkle
Noted details:
Interested in all things arcanic, relics, and legends alike.
Keeps a couple magiteck items on her person.
Basic tech has a tendency of freaking out within a 5' radius of her.
Quick to assist others, if it's within her scope of range.
It's been noted that her scales and feathers change colors daily, without much scientific explanation. We can only assume that she has something akin to chameleon or squid physiological responses to her moods.

Official Commerce Record:

Registered business owner of Dragon Sands Apothecary & Soaps, and co-owner of The Dragon Cafe.
Leader of the Scions of Everlasting organization.

FBSA Interview

Crystal Dragon comes off as a warm, almost motherly type of personality, her attitude does shift on a moments notice, and we've received details suggesting that there are six others like her present in Prime, however she has been evasive about scheduling interviews with each of them individually.

What is known at this time, given the interview we did have with her, is that she is involved with three partners, and has a number of children in her custodial care. Several of the children have been registered with the Vanguard and the UN as representative hybrids of their species, and claim naturalized citizenship as they were born/hatched in Prime.

Birth records of the children indicate that they were born with highly advanced motor skills, speech, and fully developed skeletal structures, suggesting that they hatched and were cognitive and aware of their surroundings from the moment of emerging from ovum utero stasis.It appears that this is normal for the tirikan, as there were records mentioned of other children born to their kindred in Prime indicating that this however depends on the genetics of the fathers species.

Current data from our interviews with Crystal and the other tirikan provides us a unique insight on the species physiological differences from human physiology, and their reproduction systems switching delivery/birth practices with their partners species biological norms. This suggests that the species are capable of both live birth, and egg laying, though nothing we've seen thus far has indicated if they are capable of marsupial reproductive practices.

Thus far, we've been denied access to DNA collection from the Tirikan refugees for further study and research of their kind.
Internal Note Review Only
Interspecies Researcher [Redacted] "They seem to take offense to the very idea, something they stated was taboo to even their own kind to conduct. Must revisit this later when the tirikan are more amendable of our studies.
Updated: 10/2024

A woman that appears to be made of moonstone, the colors blending and bleeding into one another. She appears to be adorned in riches of another world, and dressed in regal affair.

Registered Name: Seluna Silverheart
Gender: Female
Marital status: Engaged to Synistral
Orientation: Poly/Hetero
Nicknames: Moonsilver, Prism
Noted details: A registered specialist of relic, artifact, and ruin restoration and closely associated with the Scions of Everlasting organization as a Pellean refugee.

Background Information Born to a noble house of the Lunar tirikan clans, Seluna was raised and treated with every luxury in her young life that was available to her and her high tirikan family. During the Dragon Wars, she was left an orphan and the Essistere, Crystal Dragon took her in to help shape her into the diplomatic advocate that she is today.

Her time in the guardian courts allowed her access to learn about the many different native peoples of her home world, up to and including the vampire covens, fae courts, and the tribes of the elemental elvish that roamed the different territories of Pellea's main continents.

Her experiences during the war left her with psychological issues, regarding relationships and friendships both, however she's made significant progress in recent years with modern medicine to heal from untreated traumas of her past. An affectionate and keenly aware personality, Seluna is perhaps one of the kindest and more socially apt of the Tirikan refugees to have arrived and settled in Prime to FBSA's registry.

*FBSA Interview

Seluna, or Luna as she prefers to be called by those conversing with her, has given FBSA ample data in regards to the differences of the high tirikan from their other kinfolk, their power scales on our instruments are immeasurably stronger and more skilled with their specific forms of magic than their low tirikan kindred, presenting the possibility that they evolved in separate castes and power levels for a reason. The old empire, as she referenced to the tirikan's original societal structure, was abolished several years before the wars hit their peak in aggression, at least a good thirty to forty years before tirikan were noted to have traversed from their dimensional home universe, into Prime and Praetoria.

The species researchers with FBSA suggests that we are to keep closer detailed records of their numbers in population and to provide sanctuary for those that emerge into our world.

Details from Seluna's interview suggests that their world was shattered, scattered throughout the echoes of time and the folds of inter-dimensional space. The interests of the tirikan suggests to us that they are highly motivated to protect human kind from it's own demise, regarding environmental causation and interstellar interference as the main threat focuses that they wish to safe guard against, leaving us only one presumption of this species.

They are here to help us stay alive as much as they wish to survive as a species.

Researcher [REDACTED] Interspecies Relations Specialist.
Updated 9/14/2024

A woman of onyx with riches adorning her features.

Registered Name: Astrovist the Weaver
Gender: Female
Marital status: Dating, involved.
Orientation: Hetero?
Nicknames: Dark Star, Dark Sparkles
Noted details:Secure courier specialist and Magitechnical maintenance for Scions of Everlasting organization as a Pellean refugee.
Scheduled for a briefing with FBSA.
Updated 9/14/2024

A woman that appears to be made of sapphire, adorned in jewels and riches unlike anything found on earth.

Registered Name: Kalanair Linath
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married to Zachery Redfield
Orientation: Poly/Pan, Demi-leaning
Nicknames: Gemsinger
Noted details: A merchant and artist slowly rising to popularity in Paragon, loosely associated with the Scions of Everlasting organization as a Pellean refugee.
Kalanair will likely be adapting to Prime for a bit before she is interviewed with the FBSA.
Updated 9/14/2024

A woman made of moonstone, guarded with a helm to provide some protection in combat.

Registered Name: Moonstone Dragon
Gender: Female
Marital status: Dating
Orientation: Demi/Hetero
Nicknames: Not Applicable
Noted details: New arrival from the 5th dimensional universe, calls Pellea her home world. Subject does not seem to be entirely happy with being accosted by armed guard, and temperament seems to be passive-aggressive. She does not seem to have aggressive intent, but her use of necromancy and venomous poisons is more than a little questionable.
Interview will be posted soon.(tm)
Updated 9/14/2024

An unearthly emerald green woman with riches dripping over her form.

~Registered Name: Gurn Askook
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married to Khatis.
Orientation: Poly/Hetero
Nicknames: Little queen, rebel, highness
Noted details: Unusual of the tirikan, but Gurn had managed to survive in Prime roughly about 139 years in the reservation territories of the Oklahoma region of the US. Mainly blending in and staying out of sight of most of humanity, Gurn took it upon herself to craft pistols that use bolts of ley energy instead of bullets to protect herself among a handful of other gadgets over the time she was on her own in the remote spaces of Oklahoma's plains. The emerald tirikan had taken it upon herself to use her skills crafting tools for herself, by modeling them after human tools and weaponry to better protect herself in a rather hostile time period of human history. What few details are known about her in regards to her presence in Prime, is noted in native rumor and tales of a woman with wings of a bat, and a tail, colored like the green of summer leaves, flying alongside them to protect the tribes. No note in history in Prime suggests that she had ever spoken to the native tribes or chieftains, only that she saw a need, and sought to help without saying a word.

Interview is inprocessing with FBSA.
Updated 9/14/2024

A cozy unearthly reading corner with unusual bioluminascent plants and the glow of gaslamps near by for lighting.

Registered Name: Daelina
Gender: Female
Marital status: Interested but not taken yet.
Orientation: Hetero/Mono
Nicknames: That Imp, Fae Brat.
Noted details: One of the only tirikan eggs to have hatched in Prime prior to the children of the newest generation. Her egg was found by a reptile house keeper for the Whiteplaines zoo and she was hatched around the time the Mothership had plummeted into the zone. The zookeeper ended up adopting Daelina as his only child, retiring from the now demolished zoo to a comfortable life in downtown Paragon City. Daelina works closely with the Vanguard and provided some of the details about the other tirikan clans for FBSA's record keeping about her people. She is the living proof that the tirikan mnemonic pathways functions as a means to learn to match their rapid maturity rates from hatch to adulthood.

Currently: Latest rumors and details suggest that she has been visiting with and associating with some of the Arachnos, though no evidence has been provided short of some photographs suggesting that her associations with the group are casual and friendly. To date, FBSA is aware that she is working with the other tirikan refugees as part of the Sanctum outreach project. What she does within the group is unknown at this time.

An unearthly woman that appears to be made of high quality metals and LED's with the riches of her world dripping from her body.

Registered Name: Kori Fayeth
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single.
Orientation: Unknown
Nicknames: Tweak, Quirky
Noted details: Absolutely obsessed about Virtual Reality technology, and any technology unlike she's experienced or seen back in Pellea.

Currently: Awaiting an appointment for FBSA interview.

Registered Names: Sunstone Dragon & SunstoneDragon
Names: Lia & Nia
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single.
Orientation: Unknown
Nicknames: Sunny, Smiles, Glittertail
Subrace: Sunstone/Aventurine-Feldspar

Lia and Nia doesn't exactly know when or where they have ended up. Their life wasn't the most entertaining either back home. Nia is however a tactician, and quick to leap into tactical orders to protect those that can't fight for themselves, whereas Lia is the quick tempered fighter, body guard, and the elder of the twins. Whether this labels them as rogue, or as a hero, they don't care. They are not after the fame, or money - but to protect the lives of the humans of this world, like the rest of their kin had wished back home.
Currently: Active duty guard and tactical assists.

Scheduled for an appointment for FBSA interview.
Updated 9/14/2024

Registered Name: Satthira

Name: Satthira Stormrite

Gender: Female

Martial status: Single

Orientation: Unknown

Nickname: Sparks, Gleam

Subrace: Diamond

Brief: Adapting to the modern world and the differences of the ley network in Prime.

Awaiting interview with FBSA.

Added 5/17/23

Registered with the FBSA, all above briefs will contain information known and recorded by the organization, and bits of personal stories from each individual. Further additions will be made to the database in the coming weeks.
2024 census data: 65 in population. Adults, 4 male, 48 female. 13 children/nonadults

About the Tirikan

A cozy unearthly reading corner with unusual bioluminascent plants and the glow of gaslamps near by for lighting.

FYI: This will be heavily edited as the story continues to evolve. LOTS of text and information.

FAQ's: The concept of the tirikan was originally based off of an old D&D character I rolled WAY back in the early 80's, and had played actively in chat spaces over the years for the last couple decades. Their world and universe sort of came into being later but the entire concept of them was something of an idea that just grew and grew over the years.

This site contains detailed explanations, and terminology as well as species details if you wish to learn more about the Tirikan and the universe/world they had originated from.

My goal with documenting them and their story is to help people that want to be part of their world and story find ways to do so.

The tirikan language is loosely based off of Draconic (Thank you Twilightrealm, for still existing on the interwebs labyrinth!) with some English thrown into the blender so some of the words they use are not going to be able to be translated unless asked privately.

And now, for the scientific breakdown. Buckle in!

Scientific Alien Classification Registry
Name: Ṭirākaṉ (Written as Tirikan or Tirakan in common documentations and interviews.)
Pronounced: Tear-Ah-Khan
Status: Endangered

Location: Horsehead Nebula, Pellean Star system.

Dimension: 5th (Considered spirit/astral crossed with physical plane living in parallel.)

System Information: 5 planet system, and a blue twin-star as the orbited suns. Pellea was the largest and the only inhabited in the dimensional system. But others do exist outside of known Pellean native scope of study in that same dimension.

Known Sentient Races: Human, Elf, Kobold, Artificers Prize (Golems with true sentient and souls implanted into them by a forgotten highly advanced race that died in the cataclysmic event that nearly wiped out the human race.), Dragons, Gryphons, Hippogryphs, Halfbloods (Any cross bred variation between two species and no more, more than two species result in devastating malformations that kill the offspring before birth.) Djinn/Genie, Goblinoids, Orcs, Beastkin (Human bodied, Animal headed beings), Dwarves, Centaurs, Roc, Phoenix, Basilisk, Lizardkin (Dragon subspecies that lack wings and spell based skills, but excel as assassins.), Werefolk (Yes, werekin specifically.), Merfolk, Dolphkin (More advanced versions of the Merfolk.), Bugbears, Fae, and Fairy/Sidhe.

Physical Description: The tirikan population appears to have multiple different draconic features similar to Earth’s legends and myths of dragons. Even hybridized forms containing one to three versions of dragon types recorded in legends and myths throughout human history on Earth. Some are an amalgamation of different dragon types known to have been drawn, painted, or written about in Earth’s historical documents and myths of the ancient civilizations of man. (I.E. Quetzalcoatl, Loong, The Standard Western Dragon, Wyvern, Hydra, Ryu/Tatsu, Druk, Ayida/Damballa, Gaasyendietha, Vishap, to name a few of those varieties.)

Affiliation: Pellean Human Conservation and Preservation Initiative (A.K.A. Scions of Everlasting.)

Idiosyncrasies and way of life: The Ṭirākaṉ are perhaps one of the most varied types of dragon-like aliens you’ll ever run across. Each type has their own culture, ceremonies, rites of passages but each one maintains a strong connection to the rest of their species through what is known as the Aethersong. These beings are capable of taking ley energy in its purest form and using it to communicate with one another over extremely long distances, even from one star system to another by what seems to be the plucking of a stringed instrument or a note from a percussive, or wind instrument. This form of communication seems to provide an array of information, including emotional feedback and responses, mnemonic data, and locational range data along with audial and visual feedback relays though the tirikan are capable of turning this ability on something similar of a “muted” feed. They are able to be tuned into and tuned out of at will as well as selective feed relaying, turning on and off different senses and access data to the rest of their kin.

There are larger and more threatening mutated Ṭirākaṉ, considered kaiju by the native refugees currently residing on Prime, but very little information is shared about them except the extreme threat they pose to the rest of humankind, if allowed full freedom from their star system through the dimensional gateways. Ṭirākaṉ tend to take on the aspects of the base elements that they are born to, and each clan of Ṭirākaṉ are different from the next.

The tirikan societies or clans, vary from one another significantly. The clans appear to be structured similar to noble houses, though interestingly enough, do not appear to be historically inherited in status. However the firm belief and presence of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance and divination skills among this species seems to be global among the Pellean tirikan, but there are some clans among these people that are more talented and powerful in these areas of spell craft or magi-science as they tend to refer to their abilities as in newer detailed interviews with a handful of the relocated refugees on Prime.

The harder to study Ṭirākaṉ are the gem toned, only a few have fled to Earth for unknown reasons, one such stated that the monstrous kaiju and some of their own kind were working together to tear their home world asunder but little other information was offered up upon interview. Most of the Ṭirākaṉ that had been spoken to about their ways of life stated similar points. They are heavily environmentally conscious, careful of disrupting the delicate balance of life in Prime Earth, but also seeking to ensure the climate and environment remains stable for humankind to thrive. When asked about their tenants of faith and religion, Ṭirākaṉ refugees refused to speak of these aspects, deeming the subject too personal to discuss, or not important enough to enlighten others of.

Evolution Era: Retro futuristic-post modern. Humanity is sparse in this dimension, dependent on “summons” to protect their cities and villages from destructive forces similar to kaiju level type feral dragon clans and other such fantastic beasts. Technology had advanced and fallen to ruin following a world class close-call of extinction level threat towards humanity. While advanced technology no longer functions in this dimension, further advanced magical and mystical studies had and found more practical use in everyday life instead of reliance on traditional science based technology.

Most remarkable tech hallmark: Ṭirākaṉ are remarkably well attuned to working with magitek, a form of technology that is powered by pure ley or Aether energy, it’s sources a closely kept secret to the Ṭirākaṉ themselves, and the construction of such objects tend to be also well hidden from observation. It is told by the few Ṭirākaṉ that had found their way to Earth that there are older technologies still hidden on their home planet that they were uncovering and rebuilding to benefit the remaining people on their planet however much of their efforts had been put aside to focus on restoring their population and retrieving their wayward refugee’s on Earth. The extra-dimensional magiteknology of the Aethergates, however, was their newest breakthrough prior to the war grinding advancements and progress to a complete standstill.

Cultural Progress Level: Extra-dimensional travel, dimensional colonies exist, however little information is offered from the Ṭirākaṉ refugees that have been interviewed at this time. Space travel seems to be an art to them, but a few of their kind are capable of traveling through space without the use or need for air, or a suit for their physical needs. Other forms of cultural progress seems to be in the clans the Ṭirākaṉ claim as their own people. Each one has specific talents, skills, and functions in their civilization, some of the gem-toned are suggested to be fairly talented as artisans, and others are more skilled as entertainers, singers and poets, given the data FBSA has received from the refugees in Prime Earths residency.

Nexus System: Pellea “was” labeled in the subspace gate transit systems as a Nexus dimension, allowing travel from one dimension to another to pass through it’s layers of existence without disrupting or interfering with daily practices of the cultures and natives of the dimensional hub. These same gates exist in underground cavern routes that have either fallen to ruin, collapsed tunnel lines, or in general disuse and disrepair. Think Hollow Earth theory, but with layers upon layers of various civilizations fallen and left to ruin over multiple eras.

These kaiju, as they had adopted the term for these massive beings, were ‘tamed’ as the refugee had described, their “rage” removed and placed to work on rebuilding what the kaiju had destroyed in its rampages. Humans at this point in their history were at risk but had frequent wars among themselves, bickering over resources, greed of rare metals and gems, and later on, for territory. About 100 years ago, mankind was wiped out when one of the kaiju had slipped the watch of the Ṭirākaṉ clans and ran rampant, tearing through cities, ripping apart metropolitan regions, and laying absolute waste to what was left of humankind in this dimensional plane. The Ṭirākaṉ refugees that were interviewed about this were deeply grieved with telling of this part of their history, assuming that they themselves felt guilt for the loss of life on their home world. Several of these refugees assumed names and titles to protect themselves from being hunted but also to assist human kind in this dimension to preserve, and flourish where their own humankind had been driven to utter extinction.

Addendum: As of October, of 2022, FBSA has been alerted of a mutated alien presence that has been kept under close watch and protected by a member of the New Genesis Mercenary’s group, an organization closely associated with the Scions of Everlasting. Two eggs had been discovered in temporal stasis within what has been presumed to be an ejected section of an abandoned Aethergate Waystation of the Pellean dimensional space. The land deed is in the ownership title of one tirikan refugee named Seluna Silverheart, and very little information is being given to FBSA in regards to the unregistered mutated alien presence at this time. Few have reportedly seen these mutated alien suggests that it is no threat or danger to Earth, or Primes residents due to it’s fledgling stage and learning the ways of the world they now live in.

More information has emerged through interviews with several of the currently settled Tirikan in regards to their religious beliefs and tenants.

Religion: The deity Io Asgorath had been closely associated with the Pellean races, most specifically worshiped centrally by the tirikan themselves. Some could possibly say they are associated by ancestry rather than by creation in Io’s imaginings. The religious practices, rites, and ceremonies are something of a vague mention among the interviewees, but it is suggested the followers and believers of this particular deity worship in a fashion more closely representative to human pagan or heathen faiths in many ways.

Current Agenda: The preservation of humankind, it’s peoples and allies of Prime Earth and Ṭirākaṉ to live in harmony and thrive.

Unique Features of Pellean Native Races: Elements and their association with the various sentient species of Pellea: Every species native to Pellea is born to a specific element. There are 12 known elements in this dimension. Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Thunder, Ice, Time, Spirit, Shadow, Light, Moon and Sun. No sentient or race within Pellea’s dimension exists with more than 1 element, and none are born without an elemental tie. This tie is necessary for survival in Pellea, as it dictates where said individual excels best and also where they would thrive best environments wise in climes. In addition to the elemental tie being necessary for survival, it also gifts that individual with a basic spell craft to begin learning when they come to adolescence, and this often times can lead individuals to search for groups of elemental sentient beings like themselves to band together to learn and face the harsh world together as clans.

Every race and species within Pellea has an elemental tie, like a spirit chain in the astral realm, it leashes them to their home world, and grounds them to learn to survive against the harshest of odds.

Further information about Pellea

Civilizations in Pellea: Each sentient species has their own form of culture and civilization. For example, Dwarves were very much rigid to living within the depths of mountainous parts of this planet, and thus allowed them to excel as crafters of the finest of armaments’ and weaponry, but also in curious crafts such as golems to protect their clan homes, and guard the treasures they discover within the mountain depths. But there are varieties of each species, subspecies, or breeds that distinguish themselves from the greater number either by deed, by role, or by calling. To each species there are variants matching with each element, clans scattered across the land like seeds upon the farmers tilled earth, each one unique, growing to flourish and survive in difficult times but many of these clans either fight one another for dominance, or enslave and abuse the others until they no longer can fight back.

Tirikan Clans of Pellea
Onyx tirikan in particular are not necessarily very social or adapted to living around a lot of humans. They were native to the volcanic regions and deep recesses of the mountain ranges of the belt line of the planet. Few of them excelled in magical skill and learning but they were usually chosen to work between the dragon clans as messengers, or scouts for reconnaissance to keep the peace between the smaller breeds of dragons that inhabited Pellea. They have a distinct glimmer of dark scale like the black gemstone and tend to shift to forms that are more familiar to them, drow, to be specific in species. Their dragon forms tend to be about as long as a school bus in size (35’) from nose tip to tail end, with a wing span of about 55 to 60’ in full spread. Their diet tends to be varied, omnivorous with a heavy liking for mushrooms, and fungus that grows in the cavern spaces their kind tend to claim as dens for their families. They are as close to the European dragon types of the Pellean tirikan that can be fully described.

Lunar/Moon tirikan are also a known species in Pellea as the guardians of the power of the Moon, but not necessarily tied to the Clan of the Shadow or Crystals. Moon dragons are closely similar to the Chinese “loong” dragon, which has powers that cycle in strength with the moon phases. These lunar specific dragons tend to sleep for long periods of time, awakening during certain alignments of the moon to the planets of the system. These dragons tend to have excellent survival instincts, making them quite good at hiding among native populations of other species for much longer than any of the other dragon races known on Pellea. These dragons tend to range in body size from the smallest length from 7’ to 22’ from nose to tail tip, and given the serpentine nature of the body, they tend to “slither” in the wind currents rather than using wings to bolster their bodies into the air. The lunar dragons tend to develop wings only if they have been shape shifted for an extended period of time. Moon dragons tend to have a diet that leans heavily towards carnivorous appetites but have a love for sweet fruits and some hardy vegetation.

Sapphire tirikan are the artists and crafters of the dragon races of Pellea. Favored by the eldest dragon clans as performers and crafters of fine arts, these tirikan are aerial spectacles to behold during their mating season. Much like the traditional European vision of dragons with the four limbs, and the extra set of shoulders for full wings and feathered tail fins, sapphires are a beautiful sight to see in clear daylight, the clearest shades of sky blue, to the deepest hues of dusk fall to midnight blues dapple over their bodies in unique patterns that clearly identify them individually from one another. Among the sapphires, singers, and dancers are highly regarded as the seers of the future, potential leaders of their clans and medicine providers for their clan. Of the tirikan races of Pellea, the sapphires are perhaps the most happy with their lot in life. Sapphires are a medium sized dragon species, ranging from 25’ to 30’ in height, 125’ in length from nose to tail tip with a glorious 200’ wingspan in their natural shapeshift. They are one of the few dragon species that bear their weight fully in the air, and use their wings as a pair of hands with the membranes collapsing together like a clutching of fingers or a bat-wing would. Sapphire dragons tend to have a very balanced omnivorous diet and usually hunt in pairs, unlike any other of the dragon races of Pellea.

Moonstone tirikan tend to be more closely associated to a covenant type of clan than a sect or secretive order. They tend to have an innate sense of balance, both in life, and in power elements around them. Most tend to take to the study of toxins and necromancy as a means to maintain the balance between creation, and destruction. Moonstone tirikan tend to have an aura that glows with a soft pale light that shifts and wavers like the moon itself and can often be mistaken for lunar dragons when shape shifted to a more elf like form. Culturally, Moonstone tirikan tend to become acolytes and clergy serving Io Asgorath, the god of creation. Moonstones tend to be more careful of what they consume in the world around them, paying close attention to the balance between life, and death and the harmful shifts in the environment’s they live in. These dragons tend to inhabit locations known to be burial grounds, graveyards, and forgotten sanctums and memorials, acting as protective guard or watch persons over the fallen while still maintaining the balance for themselves in their life span. Moonstone tirikan specifically focus on divination, scrying, and tracking the balance of the ley within the worlds they dwell.

Crystal tirikan are what one could call the culmination of several dragon clan blood lines. Seven of them existed in Pellea at the time that “Crystal Dragon” had gone into hiding, but over time the wars among both man, tirikan and kaiju kind, they were found and killed off. Much smaller in physical size than their counterpart clans, crystals are the more social and intelligent spell specialists. A mix between Quetzalcoatl and Loong styled dragon designs and features, the combination of the genetic traces gives these particular dragons six wings, six legs and scales that shift much like crystals do in breaking sunlight into a full spectrum of coloration rays. Crystals are able to “mute” their scales from blinding others around them to a opaline shimmer, but are unable to stealth as a result of their innate nature. These dragons tend to be collectors of both magical and cursed artifacts, relics, and tomes as culturally they are guardians of that which they view, witnessed, and judged was dangerous towards human kind itself and are considered Guardians, summon able to human kind under specific circumstances, by their ancestral elders. Crystals have a wide variety of interests and preferences, varying far more than the rest of the Pellean dragons in both personality, and cultural shifts. They adapt well to nearly any environment they are exposed to, survivors of war time and endure a great deal of harshness and stress that other dragons would have more than likely crumbled under. Crystals tend to prefer old ruins, human built structures, as they tend to study these structures to have a better understanding of the species they were bred to protect as the last line of defense. What sets the crystal & shadow dragons apart from the rest of the Tirakan species is the fact that they have a genetic memory linking them together from the time they hatch, until the time they pass on, whatever memories, knowledge, information they gained in their life time is passed on through to the other hatch mates / siblings, each one growing stronger with the mnemonic surge. What had occurred to Crystal herself, was a compilation of her sisters mnemonic stores being given to her when she was pulled through into Praetoria by the novice seer, turning her into something of a mosaic of herself, and her sisters, all living in a sense, in her mind. The Shadow tirikan actually share the mnemonic memory passage and many of the traits that the Crystals hold.

Iron tirikan and other metallics tend to be hyper aggressive, extremely territorial and difficult to enact diplomatic measures. Because of this very few accounts or details are available for the population and detailed analysis of these specific dragon variants. What is known, is that they take after most modern depictions of wyverns, four limbed with a prehensile tail that’s bladed, with one set of limbs specifically reserved for winged flight. These dragons tend to lean heavily towards firepower, drawn out and attracted to explosive spell craft and fire breath attacks but are heavily armored in scaling due to their born elements.

Red tirikan specifically are listed as extinct due to the reactions of the smaller dragon clans banding together and wiping them out in an extermination tactic.

Ruby, garnet, and other tirikan gemstones still exist, however information on them at the moment is quite scant.

There ARE other gem-toned dragon races, and elemental dragon races, however the Kaiju dragon species had overtaken and wiped out a great number of them in order to overtake and wipe out the human civilization from Pellea.

Tirikan Cultural Information: One aspect of the tirikan seems to unite them all in personality, behavior, and habitual practices. They all seem to depend on the ley and trust of those they care for, to be able to take on their true-form, or dragon form shifts. The species is especially shy about taking on their dragon-form outside of private secluded spaces, the transformation can be quite taxing for them, and only lasts a short period of time due to Prime's limited ley pools in the network interlaced in the world itself. This species tends to be especially careful about tipping the balance of the ley and the natural forces of the world around them, primarily to avoid making the same mistakes they had in their home dimension. For them to take on their true-form is something of a gesture of genuine trust, and a display of bond to the people they choose to shift in the presence of. Something that should not be taken for granted, is a dragons trust.

Variation Addendum: The variety of the tirikan species are split between high, mid and low tirikan. It’s not necessarily a caste system, but a ranking system in regards to the clans strength and placement in Pellea at the time of it’s destruction. This is usually decided before laying/birth of the offspring through the mother and a caretaker skilled in Clairvoyance to determine the offspring potential of high to low tirikan ranking.
Genetics hugely factor in on the survival rates, number of offspring and the fertility rates of the tirikan. Sterility is fairly common, so the control rates of the number of tirikan in existence is quite tight in percentages. 25% are considered fertile among the number thus far accounted for in Prime, and less than that back in what remains of Pellea.
High tirikan are regarded as the leadership roles, refined almost in a sense similar to royalty among the tirikan kin. Crystal for instance, would be considered a high tirikan.
Mid tirikan are more or less noble houses, linked to the high tirikan themselves but not directly born among them. They can be elevated by the high tirikan but are often not due to the differences of cultural upbringing and societal influence of their various pasts. Seluna for an example, could be considered a mid but may get elevated to high tirikan with how the story and plot has developed thus far.
Low tirikan are the most common, not necessarily poor, or lacking in means, but are lacking in strengths among their kin and not quite as motivated vocally to pursue the leadership roles among their clans. They can be considered sometimes something of a rogue member of their kind, Daelina for instance, would be a fair example of a low tirikan with a rogue streak of intent.

Biological addendum: There are a number of different kinds of tirikan in regards to environmental needs and preferred native requirements.
Sky wyrms: These tend to be more reliant on flying and being air-born for combat/hunting and survival purposes. They tend to be smaller in build, more compact with air-stream design in mind for their true dragon shift. Most of the larger air-born species tend to be slower in movement on the ground, leaving them vulnerable to kaiju hunting them down. These tend to be considered rare however as Kaiju in Pellea had grown to such sizes that they could snatch a whelp out of flight path without so much as a second thought. Many of these tend to learn to shape-shift and dwell among the ground bound population in order to hide and survive both.
Earth wyrms: Earth wyrms or earth bound tirikan tend to be larger, more durable, oft times more heavily shielded and scaled than their air born kin, they do not have wings or fly, so they look like large mounds of dirt, stone, or a rocky crag when resting for long periods. Earth wyrms tend to be more dependent on staying hidden, camouflaging in the natural environments of the mountains, cavern spaces, and other rocky surfaces. These types can shape shift, though they often do not leave their rocky homes for long. Forest wyrms: Forest types tend to be very well hidden within the jungles, and forests of Pellea. Most of them remain fairly small, no larger than a giant earth tortoise and resemble earth wyrms in regards to being wingless, however forest wyrms tend to have teleportation for fast movement through their territory. These, like the earth wyrms, tend to avoid the kaiju if they can help it, whether hiding in plain sight, or moving to different territory to evade being hunted themselves as prey to the kaiju.
Water wyrms: Rivers, lakes, streams all had their own tirikan as well. Many bare fish like features, with gills, and fins and long sinew-ed bodies. These generally are considered low tirikan as they do not grow big enough to gain a shape shift. However they tend to be helpful to travelers, indicating what water sources are the freshest to drink and gain fish from, and can understand spoken languages over time if the traveler is patient in teaching them.
Sea wyrms: These are considered close to, if not one of the high tirikan sub variants. They tend to grow to massive sizes as the seas in Pellea were massive compared to those of our earth, but the largest of these can stretch about 3 to 4.828 kilometers in length but they are considered apex predators of the mid aged kaiju, allowing them to defend their territories unparalleled to the other tirikan sub races. These types do end up developing shape shifting abilities and are able to live on land for months to years at a time, but prefer the comfort of the sea depths.

Tirikan Glossary and Frequently Used Terms

Esistere Noun/Title

1. Rank of nobility that exceeds that of a noble house, considered close relation equal to that of a king or queen but with stronger connections to the noble houses of the tirikan in alliances.
2. A chosen guardian by fate and circumstances rather than prophecy which the tirikan had originally lived by.

-Esliera Noun/Derogatory
1.A suffix used to call a lower ranked tirikan into order, usually indication of scolding for behavioral display, or letting their emotions take rule over their intellect. Less an insult, and more a kind reminder to bring themselves under control of their emotional reactions and displays in the presence of many, or others.

-delinith Adjective/Slang
1.A suffix intended as a clear insult towards the one it’s attached to, roughly meaning betrayer, oathbreaker, hate consumed, or mad beyond reasoning.

-nasali Noun/Term of endearment
1.A suffix of maternal/paternal affection towards a youngling, whether of the same species, or no.

Basa- Noun/Title or Honorific
1.A prefix of high regard, respect, and honor. One usually gifted to someone that has surprised and impressed the noble houses of the tirikan, either earned by feats of strength, prowess, or deeds.

Barai- Noun/Title or Honorific
1.A prefix of respect of one that had proven themselves as worthy, had done a great deed that effects all of the tirikan, noble and lower tirikan alike.
2.A hero.

-jai Noun/term of endearment
1. A sibling suffix, a term referencing to bonds of a family kind, equal status/rank, or adopted.

-kia noun/honorific
1. A parental suffix, a term referencing vaguely of mother or father figure in honorific or family.

Passil- Noun/Honorific
1.Honorific prefix for healer of, whether physical, or abstract, rarely given but one highly respected.

Omi- Noun/Honorific
1. Honorific prefix for a seer, one gifted with foresight, or accurate predicative ability, a respected title but one used rarely in blended company.

Essietal Noun/Title
1.Lower nobility rank/status among the tirikan, known as head of the house, duke, or aristocratic status in relation to earth/human terms and understanding.

Interracial language bits

Draushum-miirik Cayosin Noun
1. Drow origined; translates to Dragonsong Blade, a relic sword that was being crafted at the time the last of the tirikan refugees had fled from Pellea.

Zertath Adjective
1. Drow for crystal

Barra Adjective
1.Drow for shadow

Mun Notes

Mun name: Melrose, though I do prefer Mel.
Age: 40+
Gender: Demiboy, transgender is a fair assessment.
S/O: Poly/Pan-Demi
Status: Closed trusted hierarchal polycule
Mental/Personality labels: Autistic ADHD, PTSD, DID, Agoraphobic and a Trauma survivor.
Sun sign/Chinese horoscope: Taurus / Metal Monkey.
Interests: Dreamers, creatives, and intelligent minds. Pagans and heathens, witches, warlocks, wise-people and sages. I enjoy keeping the company of like minded creative intelligent people. Open minded willing learners are always welcome as well.
Personal note: I am fiercely loyal and protective of the people I care for and befriend. I am a lover of the gifts that life brings, whether it’s food, created works, or the wonders of the world around me.

Profession: As someone dear to me called it, I'm a jack of all trades, and a master of none. I call myself an artist, and an amateur writer however.
Hobbies: Roleplaying in MMORPG's, gaming, and hobby crafting with jewelery, yarnwork, as well as homecrafts like sewing, culinary arts, and reading.
So why a page for all of this? Because I tend to keep a living document of my characters and creations and have about uh, 40 to 60 pages of random stuff I deep dive into. The tirikan in particular are something that has been heavily in the works for nearly two decades so I don't want to discredit their progress by leaving it all buried in google docs. Plus, why not?
Roleplaying? Yep, it's great for building up courage to actually write more than a few sentences on a page for a book, and can actually fuel some really amazing friendships and relationships with the players you interact with. I'd recommend it if you are of the creative slant in interests.
Currently: Preparing for a full year of battling against my mental health barriers and continuing to take care of myself and my family. I'm a bit of an eclectic, I don't bother with the whole christian views of this and that. Firmly of the pagan/heathen persuasion here so I'm an open book in learning about really anything that chances to catch my attention.
So can I play one of the tirikan? That depends, playing one can be especially hard to do because they are pretty involved on an emotional and detail oriented basis. Not only that, their personalities tend to develop a writers voice of their own fairly quickly if you invest time into playing them. They are kind of interconnected as a people, the aethersong of theirs is no joke in regards to being able to "feel" one another's presence but it can be disrupted and has been disrupted by quite a few forces within the worlds they are played at this time. I tend to keep the players of the tirikan private, so if you're looking to connect with them, afraid you'll have to ask the player privately. So at this time, I do not give my expressed permission to play this race as they are still in active development, and their history and backstories are all slowly being put together bit by bit.
So no joke, serious RP? Yep. It exists.

If you are interested or just want to ask some questions to add to the site, hit me up on tumblr!
Direct askbox to Melrose

A visual representation of how the ley networks of different universes might appear to astral traveling and interdimensional traveling entities.

The Theory of Ley

Every universe with inhabitants has something of a split layer of existence to the Tirikan way of understanding. Each world, each planet has it's own "defense network" similar to how the human body has white blood cells and lymphatic systems to safeguard against malicious infections and diseases. In some universes, these populated planets gain something akin to a sentience of it's own, arbitrarily choosing inhabitants to bestow gifts or skills that could be used to help defend it.

That's not to say the planet speaks to it's inhabitants, but rather like the human body and it's different cells, knows internally what needs to be done on a very basic level and protects itself indiscriminately as a result.

In essence, inhabitants are chosen based by planetary criteria unknowable to visitor species at least in demonstration that has been witnessed by this species. As it goes, the tirikan had developed a "habitation" grade for themselves, their standards for ley energy suffusion in the universe or planet they are inhabiting and what grade levels are required for tirikan life to thrive safely.

The grid below explains some of the ratings passed for the different universes the Tirikan have visited and inhabited for extended periods of time.

To explain the ley networks would take a bit, every world has their own, some are more flush with power than others, and some are far too wild and chaotic for life to thrive. The Tirikan tend to thrive best in universes that are flush with a fair balance between the ley network naturally tied to the planet they are living on, and the technological age that the world is in. Space faring is not unheard of and sometimes they themselves venture to explore galaxies beyond but every clan and sub-race of the Tirikan have different specifics that they need to meet in order to thrive in long transit situations that isolated through the voids of space.

Ley itself is a natural resource every habitable planet yields to it's living inhabitants and it is this energy that is converted into spell craft, charms, enchantments, and conjurations and achemical practices to serve indiscriminate of intent of it's crafting hands.

World/Universe TypeDescriptionLey RatingNotes
Prime/PraetoriaPlanet and Universe both are well adapted with a mid-grade ley network prevalent to it's inhabitants. Some inhabitants had been given deity chosen power to champion their deities cause but this does not outweigh the technological advances of this universe either.40%Mid-grade habitability for Tirikan life, ley network can be built supports thru the Ouroborous/Timeway channels to improve habitability without imbalance/overwhelming the planetary ley networks capability.
Pellea - Shattered UniversePlanet and Universe suffused with ley energy. Technology and practical magic both easily obtainable through study and use/building. Most inhabitants are born with natural skill and proficiency in use of the ley networks resources.50%The Tirikan native universe and world. Technology age was retro-futuristic infused and powered by ley batteries created by it's inhabitants in order to maintain the balance between the ley network and their civilization's needs to advance further.
ShadowfellWild magic and elemental magic more easily adopted and inhabitants display a significant knowledge and awareness of their universes ley network resources.60%Habitable for Tirikan, but rated as high risk with spontaneous magic use being quite prevalent in this universe.
FaewildsWild magic occurs quite frequently in this universe, dangerous for those unaware of how to manipulate the ley network resources to their defensive expense.75%High risk habitability for Tirikan survival, however far too chaotic for Tirikan to thrive.
FarrealmWild magic and elemental magic both erupt at unpredictable rates, absolute chaos for the inhabitants and quite threatening for any newcomers.100%Extremely high risk habitability for Tirikan life.

The Ley Network
With every planet with inhabitants, there is an unseen network of connections between themselves, and their home planet. Those especially high on the ley habitation scale are capable of incredible acts, drawing on the ley itself to use for crafting spells, enchantments, and other mystical purposes. The better balanced and healthy the ley network is, the stronger this connection is between the planet and the inhabitants. Like a human body and it's immune system, the ley network is the link between the planet defending itself from dangers that could imperil it's existence.

However, this comes at a cost. For every inhabitant that chooses to use this connection in an exploitive fashion, it weakens the ley network itself. By abusing the system that the planet itself yields to it's inhabitants, it drains ley from the network that could go to others that can and will help defend the planet. In order to combat this becoming a very real problem in Prime, the Tirikan had created links between universes they had deemed too unsafe to inhabit, dead universes, and planets that still have at least some ley left in the absence of inhabitants and created a ley "well", a free flowing source to counteract the Prime ley network possibly collapsing due to the use of magic in the Prime universe by so many unknowable inhabitants.

Because of this, the Tirikan reconnect to the ley network when they arrive in Prime in order to better adapt, allowing them access to the ley in Prime and giving them the means to understand how to better protect the human-inhabitant universe and how to safeguard it as well. This network links between many worlds, many universes but the primary planet with magic wielding inhabitants tends to be the one that needs to be most protected. Every planet has it's own well, but some planets and universes are created without one, much like humans lacking immune system defenses against basic infections and diseases, and in order to protect these universes and planets, Tirikan were given a duty in their earliest period in their history of existence.

They must protect humans and their home worlds at any cost.